point 1: \(x= 1\), \(y=3\) \[ 3 = m + c \]
point 2: \(x= 3\), \(y=1\) \[ 1 = 3m + c \]
point 3: \(x= 2\), \(y=2.5\) \[ 2.5 = 2m + c \]
Philosophical Essay on Probabilities Laplace (1814) pg 3
If we do discover a theory of everything … it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason-for then we would truly know the mind of God
Stephen Hawking in A Brief History of Time 1988
Philosophical Essay on Probabilities Laplace (1814) pg 5
point 1: \(x= 1\), \(y=3\) \[ 3 = m + c + \epsilon_1 \]
point 2: \(x= 3\), \(y=1\) \[ 1 = 3m + c + \epsilon_2 \]
point 3: \(x= 2\), \(y=2.5\) \[ 2.5 = 2m + c + \epsilon_3 \]
Set the mean of Gaussian to be a function. \[ p\left(y_i|x_i\right)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}}\exp \left(-\frac{\left(y_i-f\left(x_i\right)\right)^{2}}{2\sigma^2}\right). \]
This gives us a ‘noisy function’.
This is known as a stochastic process.
Can compute \(m\) given \(c\). \[m = \frac{y_1 - c}{x}\]