Robot Wireless Data
The robot wireless data is taken from an experiment run by Brian Ferris at University of Washington. It consists of the measurements of WiFi access point signal strengths as Brian walked in a loop. It was published at IJCAI in 2007 (Ferris et al., 2007).
import pods
import numpy as np
=pods.datasets.robot_wireless() data
The ground truth is recorded in the data, the actual loop is given in the plot below.
Robot Wireless Ground Truth
Figure: Ground truth movement for the position taken while recording the multivariate time-course of wireless access point signal strengths.
We will ignore this ground truth in making our predictions, but see if the model can recover something similar in one of the latent layers.
Robot WiFi Data
One challenge with the data is that the signal strength ‘drops out’. This is because the device only tracks a limited number of wifi access points, when one of the access points falls outside the track, the value disappears (in the plot below it reads -0.5). The data is missing, but it is not missing at random because the implication is that the wireless access point must be weak to have dropped from the list of those that are tracked.
Figure: Output dimension 1 from the robot wireless data. This plot shows signal strength changing over time.
Gaussian Process Fit to Robot Wireless Data
Perform a Gaussian process fit on the data using GPy.
= GPy.models.GPRegression(x,yhat)
m_full = m_full.optimize() # Optimize parameters of covariance function _
Robot WiFi Data GP
Figure: Gaussian process fit to the Robot Wireless dimension 1.
The deep Gaussian process code we are using is research code by Andreas Damianou.
To extend the research code we introduce some approaches to
initialization and optimization that we’ll use in examples. These
approaches can be found in the
Deep Gaussian process models also can require some thought in the initialization. Here we choose to start by setting the noise variance to be one percent of the data variance.
import deepgp_tutorial
from deepgp_tutorial import initialize
Secondly, we introduce a staged optimization approach.
Optimization requires moving variational parameters in the hidden layer representing the mean and variance of the expected values in that layer. Since all those values can be scaled up, and this only results in a downscaling in the output of the first GP, and a downscaling of the input length scale to the second GP. It makes sense to first of all fix the scales of the covariance function in each of the GPs.
Sometimes, deep Gaussian processes can find a local minima which involves increasing the noise level of one or more of the GPs. This often occurs because it allows a minimum in the KL divergence term in the lower bound on the likelihood. To avoid this minimum we habitually train with the likelihood variance (the noise on the output of the GP) fixed to some lower value for some iterations.
Next an optimization of the kernel function parameters at each layer is performed, but with the variance of the likelihood fixed. Again, this is to prevent the model minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the approximate posterior and the prior before achieving a good data-fit.
Finally, all parameters of the model are optimized together.
import deepgp_tutorial
from deepgp_tutorial import staged_optimize
The next code is for visualizing the intermediate layers of the deep model. This visualization is only appropriate for models with intermediate layers containing a single latent variable.
import deepgp_tutorial
from deepgp_tutorial import visualize
The pinball visualization is to bring the pinball-analogy to life in the model. It shows how a ball would fall through the model to end up in the right pbosition. This visualization is only appropriate for models with intermediate layers containing a single latent variable.
import deepgp_tutorial
from deepgp_tutorial import visualize_pinball
The posterior_sample
code allows us to see the output
sample locations for a given input. This is useful for visualizing the
non-Gaussian nature of the output density.
import deepgp_tutorial
from deepgp_tutorial import posterior_sample
Finally, we bind these methods to the DeepGP object for ease of calling.
= [y.shape[1], 10, 5, 2, 2, x.shape[1]]
layers = ['PCA']*(len(layers)-1)
inits = []
kernels for i in layers[1:]:
+= [GPy.kern.RBF(i, ARD=True)] kernels
= deepgp.DeepGP(layers,Y=y, X=x, inits=inits,
m =kernels,
kernels=50, back_constraint=False)
num_inducing m.initialize()
=(True,True,True)) m.staged_optimize(messages
Robot WiFi Data Deep GP
Figure: Fit of the deep Gaussian process to dimension 1 of the robot wireless data.
Robot WiFi Data Deep GP
Figure: Samples from the deep Gaussian process fit to dimension 1 of the robot wireless data.
Robot WiFi Data Latent Space
Figure: Inferred two dimensional latent space from the model for the robot wireless data.
%pip install gpy
GPy: A Gaussian Process Framework in Python
Gaussian processes are a flexible tool for non-parametric analysis with uncertainty. The GPy software was started in Sheffield to provide a easy to use interface to GPs. One which allowed the user to focus on the modelling rather than the mathematics.

Figure: GPy is a BSD licensed software code base for implementing Gaussian process models in Python. It is designed for teaching and modelling. We welcome contributions which can be made through the GitHub repository
GPy is a BSD licensed software code base for implementing Gaussian process models in python. This allows GPs to be combined with a wide variety of software libraries.
The software itself is available on GitHub and the team welcomes contributions.
The aim for GPy is to be a probabilistic-style programming language, i.e., you specify the model rather than the algorithm. As well as a large range of covariance functions the software allows for non-Gaussian likelihoods, multivariate outputs, dimensionality reduction and approximations for larger data sets.
The documentation for GPy can be found here.
This notebook depends on PyDeepGP. This library can be installed via pip.
%pip install --upgrade git+
%pip install mlai
# Late bind setup methods to DeepGP object
from mlai.deepgp_tutorial import initialize
from mlai.deepgp_tutorial import staged_optimize
from mlai.deepgp_tutorial import posterior_sample
from mlai.deepgp_tutorial import visualize
from mlai.deepgp_tutorial import visualize_pinball
import deepgp
deepgp.DeepGP.visualize=visualize_pinball deepgp.DeepGP.visualize_pinball
Olympic Marathon Data
![]() |
The first thing we will do is load a standard data set for regression modelling. The data consists of the pace of Olympic Gold Medal Marathon winners for the Olympics from 1896 to present. Let’s load in the data and plot.
%pip install pods
import numpy as np
import pods
= pods.datasets.olympic_marathon_men()
data = data['X']
x = data['Y']
= y.mean()
offset = np.sqrt(y.var())
scale = (y - offset)/scale yhat
Figure: Olympic marathon pace times since 1896.
Things to notice about the data include the outlier in 1904, in that year the Olympics was in St Louis, USA. Organizational problems and challenges with dust kicked up by the cars following the race meant that participants got lost, and only very few participants completed. More recent years see more consistently quick marathons.
Alan Turing
![]() |
![]() |
Figure: Alan Turing, in 1946 he was only 11 minutes slower than the winner of the 1948 games. Would he have won a hypothetical games held in 1946? Source: Alan Turing Internet Scrapbook.
If we had to summarise the objectives of machine learning in one word, a very good candidate for that word would be generalization. What is generalization? From a human perspective it might be summarised as the ability to take lessons learned in one domain and apply them to another domain. If we accept the definition given in the first session for machine learning, \[ \text{data} + \text{model} \stackrel{\text{compute}}{\rightarrow} \text{prediction} \] then we see that without a model we can’t generalise: we only have data. Data is fine for answering very specific questions, like “Who won the Olympic Marathon in 2012?”, because we have that answer stored, however, we are not given the answer to many other questions. For example, Alan Turing was a formidable marathon runner, in 1946 he ran a time 2 hours 46 minutes (just under four minutes per kilometer, faster than I and most of the other Endcliffe Park Run runners can do 5 km). What is the probability he would have won an Olympics if one had been held in 1946?
To answer this question we need to generalize, but before we formalize the concept of generalization let’s introduce some formal representation of what it means to generalize in machine learning.
Gaussian Process Fit
Our first objective will be to perform a Gaussian process fit to the data, we’ll do this using the GPy software.
import GPy
= GPy.models.GPRegression(x,yhat)
m_full = m_full.optimize() # Optimize parameters of covariance function _
The first command sets up the model, then
optimizes the parameters of the
covariance function and the noise level of the model. Once the fit is
complete, we’ll try creating some test points, and computing the output
of the GP model in terms of the mean and standard deviation of the
posterior functions between 1870 and 2030. We plot the mean function and
the standard deviation at 200 locations. We can obtain the predictions
using y_mean, y_var = m_full.predict(xt)
= np.linspace(1870,2030,200)[:,np.newaxis]
xt = m_full.predict(xt)
yt_mean, yt_var =np.sqrt(yt_var) yt_sd
Now we plot the results using the helper function in
Figure: Gaussian process fit to the Olympic Marathon data. The error bars are too large, perhaps due to the outlier from 1904.
Fit Quality
In the fit we see that the error bars (coming mainly from the noise
variance) are quite large. This is likely due to the outlier point in
1904, ignoring that point we can see that a tighter fit is obtained. To
see this make a version of the model, m_clean
, where that
point is removed.
=np.vstack((x[0:2, :], x[3:, :]))
x_clean=np.vstack((yhat[0:2, :], yhat[3:, :]))
= GPy.models.GPRegression(x_clean,y_clean)
m_clean = m_clean.optimize() _
Deep GP Fit
Let’s see if a deep Gaussian process can help here. We will construct a deep Gaussian process with one hidden layer (i.e. one Gaussian process feeding into another).
Build a Deep GP with an additional hidden layer (one dimensional) to fit the model.
import GPy
import deepgp
= 1
hidden = deepgp.DeepGP([y.shape[1],hidden,x.shape[1]],Y=yhat, X=x, inits=['PCA','PCA'],
m =[GPy.kern.RBF(hidden,ARD=True),
kernels1],ARD=True)], # the kernels for each layer
GPy.kern.RBF(x.shape[=50, back_constraint=False) num_inducing
# Call the initalization
Now optimize the model.
for layer in m.layers:
layer.likelihood.variance.constrain_positive(warning=True,max_iters=10000) m.optimize(messages
=(True,True,True)) m.staged_optimize(messages
Olympic Marathon Data Deep GP
Figure: Deep GP fit to the Olympic marathon data. Error bars now change as the prediction evolves.
Olympic Marathon Data Deep GP
Figure: Point samples run through the deep Gaussian process show the distribution of output locations.
Fitted GP for each layer
Now we explore the GPs the model has used to fit each layer. First of all, we look at the hidden layer.
Figure: The mapping from input to the latent layer is broadly, with some flattening as time goes on. Variance is high across the input range.
Figure: The mapping from the latent layer to the output layer.
Olympic Marathon Pinball Plot
Figure: A pinball plot shows the movement of the ‘ball’ as it passes through each layer of the Gaussian processes. Mean directions of movement are shown by lines. Shading gives one standard deviation of movement position. At each layer, the uncertainty is reset. The overal uncertainty is the cumulative uncertainty from all the layers. There is some grouping of later points towards the right in the first layer, which also injects a large amount of uncertainty. Due to flattening of the curve in the second layer towards the right the uncertainty is reduced in final output.
The pinball plot shows the flow of any input ball through the deep Gaussian process. In a pinball plot a series of vertical parallel lines would indicate a purely linear function. For the olypmic marathon data we can see the first layer begins to shift from input towards the right. Note it also does so with some uncertainty (indicated by the shaded backgrounds). The second layer has less uncertainty, but bunches the inputs more strongly to the right. This input layer of uncertainty, followed by a layer that pushes inputs to the right is what gives the heteroschedastic noise.
Gene Expression Example
We now consider an example in gene expression. Gene expression is the measurement of mRNA levels expressed in cells. These mRNA levels show which genes are ‘switched on’ and producing data. In the example we will use a Gaussian process to determine whether a given gene is active, or we are merely observing a noise response.
Della Gatta Gene Data
- Given given expression levels in the form of a time series from Della Gatta et al. (2008).
import numpy as np
import pods
= pods.datasets.della_gatta_TRP63_gene_expression(data_set='della_gatta',gene_number=937)
= data['X']
x = data['Y']
= y.mean()
offset = np.sqrt(y.var()) scale
Figure: Gene expression levels over time for a gene from data provided by Della Gatta et al. (2008). We would like to understand whether there is signal in the data, or we are only observing noise.
- Want to detect if a gene is expressed or not, fit a GP to each gene Kalaitzis and Lawrence (2011).

Figure: The example is taken from the paper “A Simple Approach to Ranking Differentially Expressed Gene Expression Time Courses through Gaussian Process Regression.” Kalaitzis and Lawrence (2011).
Our first objective will be to perform a Gaussian process fit to the data, we’ll do this using the GPy software.
import GPy
= GPy.models.GPRegression(x,yhat)
m_full =50
m_full.kern.lengthscale= m_full.optimize() # Optimize parameters of covariance function _
Initialize the length scale parameter (which here actually represents a time scale of the covariance function) to a reasonable value. Default would be 1, but here we set it to 50 minutes, given points are arriving across zero to 250 minutes.
= np.linspace(-20,260,200)[:,np.newaxis]
xt = m_full.predict(xt)
yt_mean, yt_var =np.sqrt(yt_var) yt_sd
Now we plot the results using the helper function in
Figure: Result of the fit of the Gaussian process model with the time scale parameter initialized to 50 minutes.
Now we try a model initialized with a longer length scale.
= GPy.models.GPRegression(x,yhat)
m_full2 =2000
m_full2.kern.lengthscale= m_full2.optimize() # Optimize parameters of covariance function _
Figure: Result of the fit of the Gaussian process model with the time scale parameter initialized to 2000 minutes.
Now we try a model initialized with a lower noise.
= GPy.models.GPRegression(x,yhat)
m_full3 =20
m_full3.likelihood.variance= m_full3.optimize() # Optimize parameters of covariance function _
Figure: Result of the fit of the Gaussian process model with the noise initialized low (standard deviation 0.1) and the time scale parameter initialized to 20 minutes.
= [y.shape[1], 1,x.shape[1]]
layers = ['PCA']*(len(layers)-1)
inits = []
kernels for i in layers[1:]:
+= [GPy.kern.RBF(i)]
kernels = deepgp.DeepGP(layers,Y=yhat, X=x,
m =inits,
inits=kernels, # the kernels for each layer
kernels=20, back_constraint=False) num_inducing
m.initialize() m.staged_optimize()
Della Gatta Gene Data Deep GP
Figure: Deep Gaussian process fit to the Della Gatta gene expression data.
Della Gatta Gene Data Deep GP
Figure: Deep Gaussian process samples fitted to the Della Gatta gene expression data.
Della Gatta Gene Data Latent 1
Figure: Gaussian process mapping from input to latent layer for the della Gatta gene expression data.
Della Gatta Gene Data Latent 2
Figure: Gaussian process mapping from latent to output layer for the della Gatta gene expression data.
TP53 Gene Pinball Plot
Figure: A pinball plot shows the movement of the ‘ball’ as it passes through each layer of the Gaussian processes. Mean directions of movement are shown by lines. Shading gives one standard deviation of movement position. At each layer, the uncertainty is reset. The overal uncertainty is the cumulative uncertainty from all the layers. Pinball plot of the della Gatta gene expression data.
Step Function
Next we consider a simple step function data set.
num_high= -.1
gap =0.0001
noise= np.vstack((np.linspace(-1, -gap/2.0, num_low)[:, np.newaxis],
x /2.0, 1, num_high)[:, np.newaxis]))
np.linspace(gap= np.vstack((np.zeros((num_low, 1)), np.ones((num_high,1))))
y = np.sqrt(y.var())
scale = y.mean()
offset = (y-offset)/scale yhat
Step Function Data
Figure: Simulation study of step function data artificially generated. Here there is a small overlap between the two lines.
Step Function Data GP
We can fit a Gaussian process to the step function data using
as follows.
= GPy.models.GPRegression(x,yhat)
m_full = m_full.optimize() # Optimize parameters of covariance function _
Where GPy.models.GPRegression()
gives us a standard GP
regression model with exponentiated quadratic covariance function.
The model is optimized using m_full.optimize()
calls an L-BGFS gradient based solver in python.
Figure: Gaussian process fit to the step function data. Note the large error bars and the over-smoothing of the discontinuity. Error bars are shown at two standard deviations.
The resulting fit to the step function data shows some challenges. In particular, the over smoothing at the discontinuity. If we know how many discontinuities there are, we can parameterize them in the step function. But by doing this, we form a semi-parametric model. The parameters indicate how many discontinuities are, and where they are. They can be optimized as part of the model fit. But if new, unforeseen, discontinuities arise when the model is being deployed in practice, these won’t be accounted for in the predictions.
Step Function Data Deep GP
First we initialize a deep Gaussian process with three latent layers
(four layers total). Within each layer we create a GP with an
exponentiated quadratic covariance (GPy.kern.RBF
At each layer we use 20 inducing points for the variational approximation.
= [y.shape[1], 1, 1, 1,x.shape[1]]
layers = ['PCA']*(len(layers)-1)
inits = []
kernels for i in layers[1:]:
+= [GPy.kern.RBF(i)]
= deepgp.DeepGP(layers,Y=yhat, X=x,
m =inits,
inits=kernels, # the kernels for each layer
kernels=20, back_constraint=False) num_inducing
Once the model is constructed we initialize the parameters, and perform the staged optimization which starts by optimizing variational parameters with a low noise and proceeds to optimize the whole model.
m.initialize() m.staged_optimize()
We plot the output of the deep Gaussian process fitted to the step data as follows.
The deep Gaussian process does a much better job of fitting the data. It handles the discontinuity easily, and error bars drop to smaller values in the regions of data.
Figure: Deep Gaussian process fit to the step function data.
Step Function Data Deep GP
The samples of the model can be plotted with the helper function from
, model_sample
The samples from the model show that the error bars, which are informative for Gaussian outputs, are less informative for this model. They make clear that the data points lie, in output mainly at 0 or 1, or occasionally in between.
Figure: Samples from the deep Gaussian process model for the step function fit.
The visualize code allows us to inspect the intermediate layers in the deep GP model to understand how it has reconstructed the step function.
Figure: From top to bottom, the Gaussian process mapping function that makes up each layer of the resulting deep Gaussian process.
A pinball plot can be created for the resulting model to understand how the input is being translated to the output across the different layers.
Figure: Pinball plot of the deep GP fitted to the step function data. Each layer of the model pushes the ‘ball’ towards the left or right, saturating at 1 and 0. This causes the final density to be be peaked at 0 and 1. Transitions occur driven by the uncertainty of the mapping in each layer.
import pods
= pods.datasets.mcycle()
data = data['X']
x = data['Y']
y =np.sqrt(y.var())
offset= (y - offset)/scale yhat
Motorcycle Helmet Data
Figure: Motorcycle helmet data. The data consists of acceleration readings on a motorcycle helmet undergoing a collision. The data exhibits heteroschedastic (time varying) noise levles and non-stationarity.
= GPy.models.GPRegression(x,yhat)
m_full = m_full.optimize() # Optimize parameters of covariance function _
Motorcycle Helmet Data GP
Figure: Gaussian process fit to the motorcycle helmet accelerometer data.
Motorcycle Helmet Data Deep GP
import deepgp
= [y.shape[1], 1, x.shape[1]]
layers = ['PCA']*(len(layers)-1)
inits = []
kernels for i in layers[1:]:
+= [GPy.kern.RBF(i)]
kernels = deepgp.DeepGP(layers,Y=yhat, X=x,
m =inits,
inits=kernels, # the kernels for each layer
kernels=20, back_constraint=False)
=(1000,1000,10000), messages=(True, True, True)) m.staged_optimize(iters
Figure: Deep Gaussian process fit to the motorcycle helmet accelerometer data.
Motorcycle Helmet Data Deep GP
Figure: Samples from the deep Gaussian process as fitted to the motorcycle helmet accelerometer data.
Motorcycle Helmet Data Latent 1
Figure: Mappings from the input to the latent layer for the motorcycle helmet accelerometer data.
Motorcycle Helmet Data Latent 2
Figure: Mappings from the latent layer to the output layer for the motorcycle helmet accelerometer data.
Motorcycle Helmet Pinball Plot
Figure: Pinball plot for the mapping from input to output layer for the motorcycle helmet accelerometer data.
‘High Five’ Motion Capture Data
Motion capture data from the CMU motion capture data base (CMU Motion Capture Lab, 2003). It contains two subjects approaching each other and executing a ‘high five’. The subjects are number 10 and 11 and their motion numbers are 21.
import pods
= pods.datasets.cmu_mocap_high_five() data
The data dictionary contains the keys ‘Y1’ and ‘Y2’, which represent the motions of the two different subjects. Their skeleton files are included in the keys ‘skel1’ and ‘skel2’.
data['Y2'].shape data[
The data was used in the hierarchical GP-LVM paper (Lawrence and Moore, 2007) in an experiment that was also recreated in the Deep Gaussian process paper (Damianou and Lawrence, 2013).
And extra information about the data is included, as standard, under
the keys info
and details
Shared LVM
Figure: Latent spaces of the ‘high five’ data. The structure of the model is automatically learnt. One of the latent spaces is coordinating how the two figures walk together, the other latent spaces contain latent variables that are specific to each of the figures separately.
Subsample of the MNIST Data
We will look at a sub-sample of the MNIST digit data set.
First load in the MNIST data set from scikit learn. This can take a little while because it’s large to download.
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml
= fetch_openml('mnist_784') mnist
Sub-sample the dataset to make the training faster.
import numpy as np
np.random.seed(= [0,1,2,3,4]
digits = 100
N_per_digit = []
Y = []
labels for d in digits:
= mnist['data'][mnist['target']==str(d)]
labels.append(np.ones(N_per_digit)= np.vstack(Y).astype(np.float64)
Y = np.hstack(labels)
labels /= 255 Y
Fitting a Deep GP to a the MNIST Digits Subsample
We now look at the deep Gaussian processes’ capacity to perform unsupervised learning.
Fit a Deep GP
We’re going to fit a Deep Gaussian process model to the MNIST data with two hidden layers. Each of the two Gaussian processes (one from the first hidden layer to the second, one from the second hidden layer to the data) has an exponentiated quadratic covariance.
import deepgp
import GPy
= 2
num_latent = 5
num_hidden_2 = deepgp.DeepGP([Y.shape[1],num_hidden_2,num_latent],
GPy.kern.RBF(num_latent,ARD=50, back_constraint=False,
num_inducing=[[200],[200]]) encoder_dims
Just like deep neural networks, there are some tricks to intitializing these models. The tricks we use here include some early training of the model with model parameters constrained. This gives the variational inducing parameters some scope to tighten the bound for the case where the noise variance is small and the variances of the Gaussian processes are around 1.
= Y.var()*0.01
m.obslayer.likelihood.variance[:] for layer in m.layers:
layer.kern.variance.fix(warning=False) layer.likelihood.variance.fix(warning
We now we optimize for a hundred iterations with the constrained model.
=False,max_iters=100) m.optimize(messages
Now we remove the fixed constraint on the kernel variance parameters, but keep the noise output constrained, and run for a further 100 iterations.
for layer in m.layers:
layer.kern.variance.constrain_positive(warning=False,max_iters=100) m.optimize(messages
Finally we unconstrain the layer likelihoods and allow the full model to be trained for 1000 iterations.
for layer in m.layers:
layer.likelihood.variance.constrain_positive(warning=True,max_iters=10000) m.optimize(messages
Visualize the latent space of the top layer
Now the model is trained, let’s plot the mean of the posterior distributions in the top latent layer of the model.
Figure: Latent space for the deep Gaussian process learned through unsupervised learning and fitted to a subset of the MNIST digits subsample.
Visualize the latent space of the intermediate layer
We can also visualize dimensions of the intermediate layer. First the lengthscale of those dimensions is given by
Generate From Model
Now we can take a look at a sample from the model, by drawing a Gaussian random sample in the latent space and propagating it through the model.
= 10
rows = 20
cols =np.linspace(-1, 1, rows*cols)[:, None]
t= GPy.kern.RBF(1,lengthscale=0.05)
kern = kern.K(t, t)
cov = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(rows*cols), cov, num_latent).T x
Figure: These digits are produced by taking a tour of the two dimensional latent space (as described by a Gaussian process sample) and mapping the tour into the data space. We visualize the mean of the mapping in the images.
Deep Health
Figure: The deep health model uses different layers of abstraction in the deep Gaussian process to represent information about diagnostics and treatment to model interelationships between a patients different data modalities.
From a machine learning perspective, we’d like to be able to interrelate all the different modalities that are informative about the state of the disease. For deep health, the notion is that the state of the disease is appearing at the more abstract levels, as we descend the model, we express relationships between the more abstract concept, that sits within the physician’s mind, and the data we can measure.
For more information on these subjects and more you might want to check the following resources.
- twitter: @lawrennd
- podcast: The Talking Machines
- newspaper: Guardian Profile Page
- blog: