\[ \text{data} + \text{model} \stackrel{\text{compute}}{\rightarrow} \text{prediction} \]
Why didn’t electricity immediately change manufacturing? by Tim Harford
The change from atoms to bits is irrevocable and unstoppable. Why now? Because the change is also exponential — small differences of yesterday can have suddenly shocking consequences tomorrow.
Nicholas Negroponte, Being Digital 1995
Data Science Africa is a bottom up initiative for capacity building in data science, machine learning and AI on the African continent
We don’t know what science we’ll want to do in five years’ time, but we won’t want slower experiments, we won’t want more expensive experiments and we won’t want a narrower selection of experiments.
A two order of magnitude increase in number of experiments run on supply chain three years’ time.
\[\text{data} + \text{model}\]
https://arxiv.org/pdf/1705.02245.pdf Data Readiness Levels (Lawrence, 2017)
In a data first company teams own their data quality issues at least as far as grade B1.
twitter: @lawrennd
podcast: The Talking Machines
Guardian article on How African can benefit from the data revolution
Guardian article on Data Science Africa
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