Generalization and Neural Networks

Neil D. Lawrence

LT1, William Gates Building

Quadratic Loss and Linear System

Expected Loss

\[ R(\mathbf{ w}) = \int L(y, x, \mathbf{ w}) \mathbb{P}(y, x) \text{d}y \text{d}x. \]

Sample-Based Approximations

  • Sample based approximation: replace true expectation with sum over samples. \[ \int f(z) p(z) \text{d}z\approx \frac{1}{s}\sum_{i=1}^s f(z_i). \]

  • Allows us to approximate true integral with a sum \[ R(\mathbf{ w}) \approx \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n} L(y_i, x_i, \mathbf{ w}). \]

Basis Function Models

Polynomial Basis

\[ \phi_j(x) = x^j \]

Functions Derived from Polynomial Basis

\[ f(x) = {\color{cyan}{w_0}} + {\color{green}{w_1 x}} + {\color{yellow}{w_2 x^2}} + {\color{magenta}{w_3 x^3}} + {\color{red}{w_4 x^4}} \]

  • _2 ^2 + _3 ^3 + _4 ^4 $$ are linear in the parameters, \(\mathbf{ w}\), but non-linear in the input \(x^3\). Here we are showing a polynomial basis for a 1-dimensional input, \(x\), but basis functions can also be constructed for multidimensional inputs, \(\mathbf{ x}\).}

Olympic Marathon Data

  • Gold medal times for Olympic Marathon since 1896.
  • Marathons before 1924 didn’t have a standardized distance.
  • Present results using pace per km.
  • In 1904 Marathon was badly organized leading to very slow times.
Image from Wikimedia Commons

Olympic Marathon Data

Polynomial Fits to Olympic Marthon Data

  • Fit linear model with polynomial basis to marathon data.
  • Try different numbers of basis functions (different degress of polynomial).
  • Check the quality of fit.

Linear Fit

\[f(x, \mathbf{ w}) = w_0 + w_1x\]

Cubic Fit

\[f(x, \mathbf{ w}) = w_0 + w_1 x+ w_2 x^2 + w_3 x^3\]

9th Degree Polynomial Fit

\[f(x, \mathbf{ w}) = w_0 + w_1 x+ w_2 x^2 + \dots + w_9 x^9\]

16th Degree Polynomial Fit

\[f(x, \mathbf{ w}) = w_0 + w_1 x+ w_2 x^2 + \dots + w_{16} x^{16}\]

26th Degree Polynomial Fit

\[f(x, \mathbf{ w}) = w_0 + w_1 x+ w_2 x^2 + \dots + w_{26} x^{26}\]

The Bootstrap

\[ \mathbf{ y}, \mathbf{X}\sim \mathbb{P}(y, \mathbf{ x}) \]

Resample Dataset

def bootstrap(X):
    "Return a bootstrap sample from a data set."
    n = X.shape[0]
    ind = np.random.choice(n, n, replace=True) # Sample randomly with replacement.
    return X[ind, :]

Bootstrap and Olympic Marathon Data

Linear Fit

\[f(x, \mathbf{ w}) = w_0 + w_1 x\]

Cubic Fit

\[f(x, \mathbf{ w}) = w_0 + w_1 x+ w_2 x^2 + w_{3} x^3\]

9th Degree Polynomial Fit

\[f(x, \mathbf{ w}) = w_0 + w_1 x+ w_2 x^2 + \dots + w_{9} x^{9}\]

16th Degree Polynomial Fit

\[f(x, \mathbf{ w}) = w_0 + w_1 x+ w_2 x^2 + \dots + w_{16} x^{16}\]

Bias Variance Decomposition

Generalisation error \[\begin{align*} R(\mathbf{ w}) = & \int \left(y- f^*(\mathbf{ x})\right)^2 \mathbb{P}(y, \mathbf{ x}) \text{d}y\text{d}\mathbf{ x}\\ & \triangleq \mathbb{E}\left[ \left(y- f^*(\mathbf{ x})\right)^2 \right]. \end{align*}\]


Decompose as \[ \begin{align*} \mathbb{E}\left[ \left(y- f(\mathbf{ x})\right)^2 \right] = & \text{bias}\left[f^*(\mathbf{ x})\right]^2 \\ & + \text{variance}\left[f^*(\mathbf{ x})\right] \\ \\ &+\sigma^2, \end{align*} \]


  • Given by \[ \text{bias}\left[f^*(\mathbf{ x})\right] = \mathbb{E}\left[f^*(\mathbf{ x})\right] - f(\mathbf{ x}) \]

  • Error due to bias comes from a model that’s too simple.


  • Given by \[ \text{variance}\left[f^*(\mathbf{ x})\right] = \mathbb{E}\left[\left(f^*(\mathbf{ x}) - \mathbb{E}\left[f^*(\mathbf{ x})\right]\right)^2\right]. \]

  • Slight variations in the training set cause changes in the prediction. Error due to variance is error in the model due to an overly complex model.


Linear system, solve:

\[ \boldsymbol{ \Phi}^\top\boldsymbol{ \Phi}\mathbf{ w}= \boldsymbol{ \Phi}^\top\mathbf{ y} \] But if \(\boldsymbol{ \Phi}^\top\boldsymbol{ \Phi}\) then this is not well posed.

Tikhonov Regularization

  • Updated objective: \[ L(\mathbf{ w}) = (\mathbf{ y}- \mathbf{ f})^\top(\mathbf{ y}- \mathbf{ f}) + \alpha\left\Vert \mathbf{W} \right\Vert_2^2 \]
  • Hessian: \[ \boldsymbol{ \Phi}^\top\boldsymbol{ \Phi}+ \alpha \mathbf{I} \]

Splines, Functions, Hilbert Kernels

  • Can also regularize the function \(f(\cdot)\) directly.
  • This approach taken in splines and Wahba (1990) and kernels Schölkopf and Smola (2001).
  • Mathematically more elegant, but algorithmically less flexible and harder to scale.

Training with Noise

  • Other regularisation approaches such as dropout (Srivastava et al., 2014)
  • Often perturbing the neural network structure or inputs.
  • Can have elegant interpretations (see e.g. Bishop (1995))
  • Also interpreted as ensemble or Bayesian methods.

Shallow and Deep Learning

Deep Neural Network

Deep Neural Network


\[ \begin{align*} \mathbf{ h}_{1} &= \phi\left(\mathbf{W}_1 \mathbf{ x}\right)\\ \mathbf{ h}_{2} &= \phi\left(\mathbf{W}_2\mathbf{ h}_{1}\right)\\ \mathbf{ h}_{3} &= \phi\left(\mathbf{W}_3 \mathbf{ h}_{2}\right)\\ f&= \mathbf{ w}_4 ^\top\mathbf{ h}_{3} \end{align*} \]

Neural Network Prediction Function

\[ f(\mathbf{ x}; \mathbf{W}) = \mathbf{ w}_4 ^\top\phi\left(\mathbf{W}_3 \phi\left(\mathbf{W}_2\phi\left(\mathbf{W}_1 \mathbf{ x}\right)\right)\right). \]

Overparameterised Systems

  • Neural networks are highly overparameterised.
  • If we could examine their Hessian at “optimum”
    • Very low (or negative) eigenvalues.
    • Error function is not sensitive to changes in parameters.
    • Implies parmeters are badly determined

Whence Generalisation?

  • Not enough regularisation in our objective functions to explain.
  • Neural network models are not using traditional generalisation approaches.
  • The ability of these models to generalise must be coming somehow from the algorithm*
  • How to explain it and control it is perhaps the most interesting theoretical question for neural networks.

Double Descent

Neural Tangent Kernel

  • Consider very wide neural networks.
  • Consider particular initialisation.
  • Deep neural network is regularising with a particular kernel.
  • This is known as the neural tangent kernel (Jacot et al., 2018).

Regularization in Optimization

  • Gradient flow methods allow us to study nature of optima.
  • In particular systems, with given initialisations, we can show L1 and L2 norms are minimised.
  • In other cases the rank of \(\mathbf{W}\) is minimised.
  • Questions remain over the nature of this regularisation in neural networks.

Deep Linear Models

\[ f(\mathbf{ x}; \mathbf{W}) = \mathbf{W}_4 \mathbf{W}_3 \mathbf{W}_2 \mathbf{W}_1 \mathbf{ x}. \]

\[ \mathbf{W}= \mathbf{W}_4 \mathbf{W}_3 \mathbf{W}_2 \mathbf{W}_1 \]




David Hogg’s lecture

The Deep Bootstrap

Aki Vehtari on Leave One Out Uncertainty: (check for his references).

Belkin, M., Hsu, D., Ma, S., Soumik Mandal, and, 2019. Reconciling modern machine-learning practice and the classical bias-variance trade-off. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 116, 15849–15854.
Bishop, C.M., 1995. Training with noise is equivalent to Tikhonov regularization. Neural Computation 7, 108–116.
Jacot, A., Gabriel, F., Hongler, C., 2018. Neural tangent kernel: Convergence and generalization in neural networks, in: Bengio, S., Wallach, H., Larochelle, H., Grauman, K., Cesa-Bianchi, N., Garnett, R. (Eds.), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. Curran Associates, Inc., pp. 8571–8580.
Schölkopf, B., Smola, A.J., 2001. Learning with kernels. mit, Cambridge, MA.
Srivastava, N., Hinton, G., Krizhevsky, A., Sutskever, I., Salakhutdinov, R., 2014. Dropout: A simple way to prevent neural networks from overfitting. Journal of Machine Learning Research 15, 1929–1958.
Wahba, G., 1990. Spline models for observational data, First. ed. SIAM.