LT1, William Gates Building
Set Assignment 1 (30%)
Assignment 1 Submitted
Set Assignment 2 (70%)
\[ \text{data} + \text{model} \stackrel{\text{compute}}{\rightarrow} \text{prediction}\]
\[\text{data} + \text{model} \stackrel{\text{compute}}{\rightarrow} \text{prediction}\]
Later in the 1940’s, when I was doing my Ph.D. work, there was much talk of the brain as a computer and of the early digital computers that were just making the headlines as “electronic brains.” As an analogue computer man I felt strongly convinced that the brain, whatever it was, was not a digital computer. I didn’t think it was an analogue computer either in the conventional sense.
This work points out the necessity of having flexible “network design” software tools that ease the design of complex, specialized network architectures
From conclusions of Le Cun et al. (1989)
twitter: @lawrennd
podcast: The Talking Machines
newspaper: Guardian Profile Page
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